How to attain the highest level of self-awareness through mediation

So you want to be able to manage your thoughts. Perhaps you'd like to put a recent split out of your mind, or you're disillusioned after a year of physical distance and want to adopt a more optimistic outlook. Unwanted thoughts can be quite frustrating and upsetting. You're not alone in your desire to get rid of them. It's natural to have difficulty persuading yourself to gaze up when you're feeling down in the face of stress or other difficulties. While mind control is something that belongs in science fiction, you may focus on changing your thinking. It may take some time to figure out how to restore control, but the 10 tactics listed below can assist. Why meditation We often struggle to concentrate or focus on the task at hand. The stress of keeping up with over-work, lectures, or staying up for late-night study for the next exam causes us to be more anxious. Runners stretch and exercise their muscles regularly when training for a marathon. They prepare to ru...